Frequently Asked Questions.
Why participate in a research study?
By participating in a research study, you may gain access to investigational medications that are not currently available outside of the study. Your participation helps contribute to research that may bring forth new treatments and therapies to people like you with similar conditions.
What does a Study Partner do?
A study partner is someone who supports the person who is interested in participating in the study. A study partner has a few responsibilities which may include:
Accompanying the participant to some and maybe each visit.
Answering questions about your participant’s daily life.
Helping the participant understand their responsibilities to the study.
Completing questionnaires on behalf of the participant.
Being available to speak to the study doctor during the follow up period regarding the participant.
Is there a chance I will get a placebo?
Most studies include a chance of receiving a placebo. Participants in clinical trials can sometimes do better than those not in trials, including those on placebo, which is called the “placebo effect”. Although you may not have a 100 percent chance of receiving the experimental treatment in a clinical trial, there is a zero percent chance of receiving the treatment if you do not participate. Some clinical trials offer an “open-label phase,” in which participants who complete the “blinded” phase of the trial will be offered an opportunity to take the experimental drug for a period of time and continue to be monitored.
What happens with my medical care while in a clinical trial?
While in a clinical trial, you will be assessed and monitored by a specialized team, including physicians and study coordinators. Clinical trial participation does not replace your regular medical care or continuation of medications you are currently taking. You should continue with all your regular doctor visits and remain on all current medications, unless otherwise advised. With your permission, we will keep your doctors informed of your clinical trial participation.
Does trial participation cost me any money?
No, participating in a clinical trial will not cost you any money. All procedures required in the trial are paid for by the sponsor of that study. Some studies will even compensate participants for their time and travel expenses.
How do I know if I am eligible to participate?
The best way to determine if you are eligible is to contact us. Participation criteria differs from study to study and may be based on several factors such as age, gender, the type and stage of a disease, previous treatment history, and other medical conditions If you would like to find out if you or a loved one are eligible for a clinical trial please Call Us or fill out a contact form!
To make an appointment or call 949-753-1663 to learn more about how Irvine Clinical Research can help.